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Counseling Services

Welcome to Kingsburg High School! The Counseling Department is dedicated to supporting students academically, emotionally, and with college and career planning.  

Students are always welcome to make appointments or drop by whenever they need support. All students participate in grade-based guidance lessons, which will be held during their English classes throughout the year.

To request an appointment, complete the online form.


Questions? Email Mrs. Marriott at

Sophomore Counseling Activity: 10th Grade Counseling

In the late fall and early winter months, all sophomores will receive an academic presentation in their English classroom. The presentation will be followed by an individual meeting with the counselor to review academic progress and post secondary goals. Each student will receive a college and career folder of resources.

Welcome Back Sophomore Vikings!

Now that you have transitioned fully to high school, make this your year to shine. Here are three goals for sophomore year:

Focus on strengthening the transcript (grades) and maintaining good attendance…

• Get your study plan together early.
• Check in with teachers regularly .
• Understand how your GPA is determined.

Take advantage of KHS resources…

• Counseling-Make an appointment with Mrs. Marriott to discuss academic or personal concerns.
• ABI-Sign up to check grades.
• Visit the College and Career Center.
• Ask about after school academic support

Get involved…

Activities offer students the ability to learn leadership skills, team building, and time management. Students can include some activity involvement on college applications and resumes. Student activities at KHS include agriculture, clubs, drama productions, music, sports, and student government. Some students find opportunities in the local community to volunteer.

Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test (PSAT)

University bound sophomores and juniors will want to sign up in mid September to take the PSAT. This is a practice test for the SAT and is given on high school campuses across the nation in October.  Along with their results, students will receive an interpretation of their scores in January. Look for more information in the school bulletin during September.

Online Resources link link link